Angels: God's Secret Agents

Angels: God's Secret Agents

Kindle Edition
21 Nov
Billy Graham

Dr. Graham lifts the veil between the visible and the invisible world to give us an eye-opening account of these behind-the-scenes agents. This best-selling classic records the experiences of Dr. Graham and others who are convinced that at moments of special need they have been attended by angels. 

Yes, angels are real. They are not the product of your imagination. 

Dr. Graham lifts the veil between the visible and the invisible world to give us an eye-opening account of these behind-the-scenes agents. This best-selling classic (with more than 750k copies in print) records the experiences of Dr. Graham and others who are convinced that at moments of special need they have been attended by angels. With keen insight and conviction, Dr. Graham affirms that:

  • God's invisible hosts are better organized than any of the armies of man—or Satan.
  • Angels "think, feel, will, and display emotions."
  • Angels guide, comfort, and provide for people in the midst of suffering and persecution.
  • At death, the faithful will be ushered by angels into the presence of God.

 “If we had open spiritual eyes we would see not only a world filled with evil spirits and powers—but also powerful angels with drawn swords, set for our defense.” —Billy Graham



Reviews (196)

Phenomenal book

This book allowed me to find my way back to God. My interest and fascination with theology and specifically angels, brought me to this book. This book is an excellent reference of the most pertinent Scripture that allowed me to come back to my Christian faith and ask God for forgiveness of my sins against Him. A posthumous thank you to Reverend Graham for his dedication to our Lord and to helping those like me, find their way back to Him.

interesting and accurate

His is a thorough accurate , interesting over all reference book on Angels . It included some experiences of folks who have seen an angel or have been ministered to by Angel or angels . Having seen an angel myself , I can assure readers this is a real experience. The angel I saw did not have wings , was at least 7 feet tall , what's closed in white , and displayed a brilliance that appeared to me as bright light and a very penetrating facial expression. Awe-inspiring.

Comforting and Well-Documented

When I had questions about the nature and role of angels, my search led me to this book, written by none other than Billy Graham. The book covers many of the angels in the Bible. Originally written and published in the 1970s, when interest in demons and exorcisms and occult practices seemed to proliferate as never before, Dr. Graham wrote in response to his own need. Finding few books on the subject or angels both good and bad, he undertook the task of writing one. He delves thoroughly enough in this short work. Yes, each chapter is like a mini-sermon with an altar call at the end, and some may find this off-putting. However, this is the ministry of Billy Graham, unwilling that any should perish . What a wonderful, uplifting way to start my New Year's reading!

There is No Doubt About this Being a Wonderful, Informative and God-Inspired Book.

Except for the Bible, I love this book better than any one I've ever read. It has Bible verses throughout it, so you can read the scriptures for yourself , to show what the Bible says about angels. You will feel the presence of God and his protective angels, as you ready it. You will be overtaken with joy and thankfulness to God for His amazing love and grace. After a couple of friends read my book, it is going into my collection of books to leave to one of our heirs. If you have never thought about or believed in angels, I encourage you to buy this book. I promise you that you will not be sorry. When I first got it, I read 48 pages before I could lay it down. I truly believe you will love it.


This is the clearest picture of Angels I have ever read. It is clear and concise and full of Bible stories I can relate to in my everyday life. I am 80 years old and I thank God I am continuing to learn through the Bible and Bible study. I hope I am able to continue to learn and work for Jesus until I leave this world to be with my Lord and Savior.

A Fascinating and Comforting Message of Hope about Ministering Spirits

Do you wish for supernatural help in your time of need? Who doesn't? The subject of angels is a very comforting one and yet for a long time, books on angels were very rare. This books has some stories of angels that were sent to protect and help humans and I must admit these stories are riveting. People are increasingly aware that there are supernatural beings who are active in their lives. Seeing angels is however very rare unless you have a near-death experience or God grants you the vision to see the unseen realm. It was interesting to learn that angels are mentioned almost 300 times in the Bible. Angels seem to have feelings, war against evil unseen forces and take the faithful to heaven when they die. This book also mentions how angels operated in Jesus' life during his earthly ministry. I have my own angel story as I almost drowned while living in Africa and on vacation. I believe an angel reached down into a wave and pulled me out when the power of the wave was too strong for me to get out of the wave myself. The angel looked like a human but I don't remember him speaking to me or staying too long. Once I was older I figured out that sometimes angels help us in bodily form. The reason I think it was an angel was because no one else was around to see me in the wave. So if you are looking for a book that discusses mostly biblical angels, you may enjoy this. This is not about angel numbers or your personal guardian angels, etc. I still think when I see the number 11:11 or 5:55 on my clocks, the angels in my life are saying hello. ~The Rebecca Review

Not enough biblical info on angels to bother

This is my first Billy Graham book and I'm disappointed. It's filled with more biblical speculation than answers. I understand that he wrote it at a time when Americans were really getting into the occult, but i feel like he greated more questions than provided solid biblically based answers. Perhaps it was rushed or perhaps the bible's lack of real detail on angels was on purpose. Perhaps God really wanted us to focus on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as well as oir relationship to them/Him and to one another. I hear a lot of good things about Billy Graham as a Bible teacher, so I'm going to give him a do-over with a different book. I suggest skipping this one. It's not worth the money nor your time reading it.

A trusted source of information

This book is a no- nonsense look at angels in everyday life, in the past , and in the present , and it comes from a trusted source of information an evangelical preacher and teacher Billy Graham . He backs up his beliefs with biblical verses so that the reader can trust in his descriptions of angels as they help us through everyday life and will help us at the end of times.

This is a Must-Read for All Christians and Non-Christians.

Every Christian and Non-Christian should read this book. What God shares through Billy Graham's message can be life-changing if you read with an open heart and a clear focus on Him. This book as well as David Jeremiah's book on Angels are must reads if you're ready to grow in your relationship with the Lord God.


This is a fine book and yet does not read like Rev. Graham’s normal books. I’m not sure if his wife, also a great writer, collaborated, but insight is much deeper than I expected. I thought I bought hardcover, but accidentally bought a paper book. I don’t like the small, compact size. The hardcover is more relaxing to read as you hold in your hand, than the tightness of the binding, smaller paperwork. Great book!

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