Daily Scorpio Horoscope December 22 (22/12)


Oct 23 − Now 21

Alias: Alias: The Scorpion

December 22


daily scorpio horoscope:

summary scorpio daily

Star 9/10

They say we dont miss something until its gone. That implies we didnt make the most of what we had while it was available to us. Please let me make clear youre not at risk of losing anything now. In fact, its possible youre oblivious to how much youre about to gain but, to do so, youre going to have to make better or more imaginative use of something you believe to be missing or in short supply. You have all you need to make a fantastic gain or very reassuring progress.


summary scorpio tomorrow

Star 7/10

When we believe something isnt going to plan, we become painfully aware of how another plan that differs from our own idea of whats right seems to be given freedom to unfold. We wonder why our plan is seen as inferior to whats occurring, especially when were absolutely certain were right. This is one time when a delay or obstacle can work in your favor provided youre willing to accept what seems to be going off on a tangent is actually on course to please you!


summary scorpio weekly

Star 8/10

The saying, if in doubt, then dont could be appropriate this week. A certain option or proposal might, on the face of it, appear attractive and not require much thought or assessing. Yet, if theres the tiniest shred of doubt in your mind, it cant be ignored. Mercury in your communication and ideas sector commencing its final retrograde phase of this year marks the start of what could be a helpful period of reflection and assessment that you could soon be very glad to have had.


summary scorpio monthly

Star 7/10

There will be much focus on domestic or family matters, with many Scorpions making significant changes within their abode or something within the family circle altering. Something connected with your home could soon become a drain on finances so try to keep spending focused only on essentials. There could also be less space in your home for a reason worthy of celebrating - but be prepared for communication or contractual mishaps from the 19th until early December.


health scorpio daily

Star 8/10

Your sixth sense may feel like its on strike today. You may need to take the day to re-charge your batteries, something you dont do nearly enough of! I suggest taking yourself to the floor. You need the assurance of good solid ground beneath you, holding you up and taking in all your weight. A yoga class or just a nice long stretch in your own home will ease your body and give you the sustenance you so often go without. Its recommended to eat something hearty today.


health scorpio tomorrow

Star 8/10

You are feeling a bit better today. Things are more steady, emotionally speaking. For once, you dont feel like others around you are sapping all your energy. And yet this is also disconcerting, because you like the feeling of being needed. You might benefit from turning the focus on yourself! Do for yourself what you do for others so well. Set a small goal, such as preparing a nice dinner or attending a spinning class, and once youve done it, give yourself a little pat on the back.


health scorpio weekly

Star 10/10

You should be encouraged to talk over any problems that cause you stress. Life could be intense, and underlying issues could rise to the surface. In order to avoid tension headaches and nervous strain, seek professional help if you need it. Youll feel better once youre clear of these issues. Dont hold back. Let it all out.


health scorpio monthly

Star 7/10

There is a very powerful and productive influence showing up for you this month that could have a beneficial influence on your well-being. Investing time in a diet, exercise, or therapy regimen that has a track record of success can help you feel better than you have in some time. Central to this can be the removal of energy blocks that have caused issues in the past. And finding ways to keep your natural energy or chi flowing and grounded can be essential to feeling good more permanently. Plenty of walks in nature can help you stay centered and grounded.


love scorpio daily

Star 8/10

The celestial alignment indicates a very intense meeting with a person whom you already know. However, until now you have had no idea how deeply they really felt about you. There is a very strong possibility that they may be from another country or associated with a foreign company. Dont wait too long before responding; at least give them something to remember you by.


love scorpio tomorrow

Star 8/10

The planetary energy brings you a great deal of security, especially in terms of one relationship. If you have felt at all overlooked, and wondered whether there was truly any future for you both, todays events should put your mind at rest. Although it may not be possible for your partner (current or prospective) to shower you with love continuously, youll now know for certain how they feel.


love scorpio weekly

Star 10/10

If you find yourself going out of your way to help someone at the start of the week, could it be because youre attracted to them and just wont admit it? Youre usually a very helpful person, but when you go above and beyond theres usually a reason. Dont fool yourself into thinking theres nothing to it! Romantic adventures have a way of finding you over the weekend. Be a willing participant.


love scorpio monthly

Star 9/10

Venus makes a trip into quirky Aquarius on December 7, making you less likely to seek commitment and more open to unconventional, nontraditional dating options and other odd love-related choices. You also worry less about what others think, lowering your inhibitions in the best way possible. Insistent Mars meets passive Pisces on December 19, causing you to act aggressively and then immediately second-guess yourself. Feeling guilty isnt fun, but you may not be able to avoid it during this aspect. The Jupiter/Uranus opposition on December 26 casts a mysterious shadow on your love life. Luckily, you adore deciphering clues and revealing secrets.


career scorpio daily

Star 9/10

Dont let conflict between you and a co-worker cripple you for the rest of the day. In addition, dont be a pushover to that persons reckless approach. Take the time to collect yourself and refocus on the truth of the matter. Proceed from there.


career scorpio tomorrow

Star 8/10

You may feel left out today - like a kid on the playground who isnt allowed to associate with the others. Be patient. Focus on your own projects and your own strengths. The time will come when others will be begging to associate with you.


career scorpio weekly

Star 7/10

This period begins on a strong, positive note. Take action in any area that holds your interest. This is a good time to be on your feet. Accept challenges. Good humor will make you attractive and move things in your favor with co-workers and clients. This is a positive time for researching additional education or training. Be cautious about overconfidence. Avoid promising more than you can deliver. A conservative approach is advised.


career scorpio monthly

Star 9/10

Money from an expense report or bonus could arrive on or around December 13, causing you to breathe a sigh of relief. Use this windfall to cover holiday expenses and buy yourself a gift. You have definitely earned a reward for all your hard work this year. Decembers final days will bring a number of conference calls. By bolstering an argument with reliable facts and figures, youll be able to meet your agenda. This is also a good time to negotiate a raise or budget increase. Your powers of persuasion will be very strong as this year draws to a close.



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