The goth Bible: A Compendium for the Darkly Inclined

The goth Bible: A Compendium for the Darkly Inclined

Kindle Edition
04 Oct
What you don't know about goths could fill a book! An artistic culture that revels in the Victorian romantic movement, The goth Bible brings to light the traditions and history of all that is goth. The goth culture has been one of the most controversial and maligned in media history. Presented as homicidal, suicidal and socio-pathic, in the national consciousness goths are coupled with everyone from Marilyn Mason to the murderers of Columbine. But this is not who the goths are. The goth Bible will help bridge the understanding between goths and non-goths. From their historical origins as a Germanic tribe in the sixth century who fought along side the Romans against the Huns to their current incarnation as creatures of the night,

Reviews (46)

a worthy introduction

a very good introduction about the goth lifestyle and goth interests. Does not really address common problems goths often face, how to handle situations of rejection, ridicule, cat calls, etc. Seems like it could say the same things in less word count. Plenty of real life examples and full of ideas. Explains common goth interests well, covers art, music, relationships, hobbies, almost all aspects of goth life. great background and explanation on the history of the subculture, notable events, people, artwork, writings, and the appeal of each is explained. HP Lovecraft, Elvira, Poe, black roses, notable cemeteries, all such are included. I tried about 10 of the websites the book mentioned, some work, but many no longer exist or the magazine / product the book mentioned for the referenced website is no longer available. not the book's fault, but still, I stopped trying the websites in the book. book was published in 2004, so at the time of this review, that makes it 8 years old. Good if you want to learn about goth lifestyle or you are goth and need some background on the subculture or want to get plenty of ideas for the goth activities and interests.

Fun read

This is a very comprehensive look at all things goth. History, music, religion, fashion, art, and fetishes are all in there. It also includes lots of fun to read testimonials from modern goths. At times the amount of specific information is a bit overwhelming but hey...the more the merrier.

Can’t wait to start reading this book...finally!

Took forever to get here, hence the 4 star instead of 5. Charge me more for faster shipping next time. Wasn’t worth the wait. The contents of the book are quite interesting and so I am happy that I finally received my order. I should mention the book came from the U.K. Who knows how long it was hung up in Customs? Overall satisfied with the purchase of the Goth Bible. Can’t wait to dive in!!!

Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know about Goths

I really enjoyed reading this. I especially liked all of the links for online resources. There's a lot of info here. If you're already familiar with the Goth lifestyle, then reading this is like reminiscing. If you don't know anything about Goths, this book will answer your every question. I also learned a few things I didn't know, such as the meanings of certain colors. I've always been a little Gothic, so this book was definitely for me.

Well Im reasonable...

I haven't read the book and no im not about to go and call all of you posers. The other reviewer that said if you shop at hottopic your a poser is wrong. Its just clothes. A poser is defined as some one who is pretending to be something their not...if you feel you are true to your self then you are and thats all that matters. Reading a book like this is informational and should not be the the guide to make your self Goth. If your goth then your shouldnt use a book to be goth...that WILL make you a poser. Its always fun to learn about new things and to see someone elses point of view on things so I say go read it.

It's not bad, but the title is somewhat misleading.

With a title like "The Goth Bible", I had expected something like a Gothic guidepost, with some good bands to listen to and see if you like, how to make your crappy poetry rhyme and suck a little less, some makeup advice, maybe a section on how to make clothing- which is a long way of saying, a good book any Goth would do well to read and maybe get some pointers from, and if nothing else, find enjoyable. Instead, after reading the whole thing, I couldn't tell you exactly what it's about. There's a lot of information, but it's disjointed, interspersed with odds pieces of select people's opinions, and doesn't seem to go anywhere. But there is a lot of information in here, so you may like it anyway. I wouldn't call it bad, but it's not at all what I was hoping for.

Four Stars

From Punk rocker to Goth, that always gets me, but now I have a full understanding of this culture.

Great book

I bought this for my friend for Christmas and he loved it! Would repurchase for myself.

Great book!

This is exactly as expected. :) A good read for anyone who is thinking of becoming Goth, but is a bit "thick" for knowledge. Still, a good compendium to have in any Goth's library.


informative guide helpful in areas not helpful with dealings with other people the product arrived 2 months earlier than expected, and was in perfect condition.

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